Established in 1973, the Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center, located in Quincy, Illinois, is an area Career & Technical school offering courses to the following member school districts: Central, Griggsville-Perry, Liberty, Payson, Pittsfield, Pleasant Hill, Quincy High School, Quincy Notre Dame, Southeastern, Unity, Western, and Brown County.
To provide career and technical education programs students can continue to build on to establish future career goals. Our goal is to meet the career and technology needs of all learners – high school and adults.
We offer the following classes to high school students: Animal Science/Plant Science, Automotive Technology, Business Management, Child Care, Commercial Foods, Computer Aided Drafting & Design, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Construction, Diesel Equipment Technology, Digital Electronics (DE), Electronics, Graphic Communications, Health Occupations, Introduction to Engineering Design (IED), Principles of Engineering, Welding & Metal Fabrication, and 3D Modeling and Animation. For high school enrollment, they should sign up through their guidance counselor.
The same classes are available to adults. For adult enrollment, please visit our Enrolling at QAVTC page.