Why CTE for your student?
There are some common misconceptions about Career and Technical Education. We have included links to resources to help you, as a parent, better understand how CTE can help your student.
Our programs are designed to set students on a pathway that can lead to entry-level jobs, a two-year degree or trade school, or a 4-year degree. For example, our Health Occupations students can earn a CNA certificate while still in high school and can use that to go directly into the workforce. Students also have an opportunity to continue their education by obtaining an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (2-year) or a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (4-year). There are even opportunities to continue their education beyond a 4-year degree.
Career and Technical Education : Myths and Facts
Career Technical Education and Student Achievement
CTE: Readiness for All Careers
College and Career Ready Through CTE
CTE Improves Student Achievement in High School
If you would like more information on Career and Technical Education and how it can benefit your student, please click here to visit the Advance CTE website.