QHS English Department
Suggested Course Sequence
English Courses
English I, Grade 9
The primary goal of this course is to survey numerous literary genres. Students will further their knowledge of the proper use of the English language through the study of literature, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will read both classic and contemporary literature. Students will participate in research and will write in all major modes (argumentative, expository, and narrative) throughout the year. An emphasis will be placed on whole class selections and the analysis of literature. (NCAA Core Course)
English I Advanced, Grade 9
This is a course for those interested in attending a four year college and enrolling in AP courses later in their high school career. The primary goal of this course is to survey numerous literary genres. Students will further their knowledge of the proper use of the English language through the study of literature, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will analyze literature that is selected for its cultural value, its superior writing, and its ability to improve critical reading skills. An emphasis will be placed on whole class selections, the analysis of literature, and the development of writing skills. Students will write in all major modes: argumentative, expository, narrative, and research. (NCAA Core Course)
English II, Grade 10
English II is the year-long required sophomore English course and is appropriate for both college and non-college bound students. The course will survey various genres exposing students to texts of grade-level appropriate complexity that explore a variety of regions and time periods. How literature is a reflection of culture and history will be explored. Students will have a mix of ‘classic’ novels, contemporary young adult novels, and short stories. This course will refine writing skills, focusing on analyses that seek to argue and inform or explain. Grammar and vocabulary are taught in the context of reading and writing. Speaking and listening skills are also emphasized. (NCAA Core Course)
English II Honors, Grade 10
This course is intended for students planning on enrolling in AP courses and attending a four-year college. The course will explore important ideas in philosophy, politics, and other areas from a variety of time periods and in a variety of genres. Students will build critical reading skills by interacting with and applying concepts from complex texts. Advanced composition will be a primary focus. Vocabulary and grammar will be taught in the context of reading and writing. (NCAA Core Course)
English III, Grade 11
English III is a year long course focusing on a variety of literary genres including drama and poetry, non-fiction, classic and modern fiction, and short stories/novellas. The study of major titles will include examining literary elements, author research, and supplemental outside reading material such as newspaper editorials, essays, articles, etc. for compare/contrast purposes. Foundational American documents as well as other American Literature are incorporated within the course. This course will emphasize personal and subject writing modes, i.e. regular journal entries and response essays, literary analysis argumentations, problem/solution and creative. Grammar, vocabulary, and spelling are taught in the context of reading and writing. SAT preparation is part of the curriculum. (AP Language may be substituted for English III.) (NCAA Core Course)
Advanced Placement Language & Composition, Grade 11, 12
This course aligns to introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum and is intended for students planning to attend a four year college. The course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of non-fiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. This course cultivates the reading and writing skills that students need for college success and for intellectually civic engagement. Students will read nightly, write on a regular basis, and participate in frequent discussions. Students in this class may choose to take the national AP exam. Whether students receive college credit by taking the AP exam will depend on the score and the policy of the college the student attends. (NCAA Core Course)
World Literature & Composition, Grade 12
This course is intended for the student planning to attend a four-year college. It is a limited survey course of literature from major cultures all over the world. Course selections range from ancient to modern and are organized by theme. Class work will include frequent discussion and students will be required to write frequent essays and short response papers. (NCAA Core Course)
Contemporary Literature, Grade 12
This semester course explores major themes and ideas found in modern literature framed by current social issues from varied perspectives. Students will read modern fiction and non-fiction and be required to frequently engage in written literary analysis. Literary terms will be explicitly taught to aid in analysis. Speaking and listening skills will also be emphasized. (NCAA Core Course)
Non-Fiction Studies, Grade 12
This semester course will focus on non-fiction texts, including biographies, memoirs, documentary accounts, contemporary articles, and non-fiction books. Reading will be primarily modern, although some classical literary non-fiction will be included in the curriculum. Students will be taught the skills to effectively communicate for different purposes and write for varied audiences. An emphasis for this class is effective speaking and collaboration skills; students will make several presentations throughout the course of the semester, both independently and in small groups. (NCAA Core Course)
Advanced Placement Literature and Composition, Grade 12
This course is intended for the student planning on attending a four-year college. Students in this class may choose to take the national AP exam. Whether or not students receive college credit by taking the AP exam will depend on their score and the policy of the college the student attends. This course emphasizes reading, critical analysis, and appreciation of literature from various years and genres including poetry, drama, short stories, and novels. An emphasis will be placed on the analysis of character, setting, structure, narration, figurative language, and literary argumentation. Students will be expected to read nightly. Class work will include literary analysis through discussion and written work. Students will compose short responses of the literature in addition to numerous formal essays. (NCAA Core Course)
Theatre, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
This course is designed for students interested in learning about dramatic art. Oral communication, reading, analysis of dramatic literature, memorization and performing are stressed. The history of theatre will be explored through the Greek, Elizabethan, restoration, nineteenth century, and modern eras. Written work includes character analysis, theatre article reviews, and journaling. Oral communication skills are taught through play reports, solo, duet, and small group acting assignments. Various areas of technical theatre are also briefly explored including lighting, set design, set construction, costuming, and make-up.
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