QHS 2025 Graduation
Sunday, May 18, 2025
Flinn Stadium – 4:00 pm
Information for the Class of 2025
Receiving a diploma depends on your successful completion of all graduation requirements.
FAFSA Form or Waiver-Compliance with the new State of Illinois mandate is now necessary. Failure to submit the 2024-2025 FAFSA application or waiver form will result in the withholding of your student’s diploma. For more information please visit the ISBE website.
Financial Obligations–Please make arrangements to take care of any fees. This includes educational fees, shop fees, music expenses, library fines, lost books, lost locks, laptops, or other financial obligations to the school. These should be paid before graduation. If your family qualifies for free or reduced educational fees, you must have your parents complete an application. This application is called the Free and Reduced Lunch Application and is available in the QHS Main Office or online at the qps.org website under School Lunches.
Laptops-Students who borrowed a laptop should return the laptop and the charger to the QHS Main Office prior to the last day of school. Charges for unreturned laptops are $300.00 and chargers are $25.00.
Final Exams–Seniors and graduating juniors will be exempt from final exams.
Diploma Form–Students should type their name in the Google Doc as it should appear on their diploma. Since this is a formal document, this should be your legal name; check with your parents/guardians. Diplomas may be picked up at Quincy Senior High School on Wednesday, June 4th, 2025, from 9:00 am to noon in the security vestibule. If you are unable to pick your diploma up at this time, it will be available in the QHS Main Office after June 4th during regular office hours (7:00 am to 3:00 pm). (View Diploma Form — Here)
Final Transcripts–You can request your final high school transcripts through parchment.com. It’s essential to designate all requests for the final transcript as “Hold for Grades” in the “When do you want this sent?” section. Transcripts not marked as “Hold for Grades” will be processed and released immediately. To ensure timely delivery, please submit all requests by June 25th.
Graduation Announcements–TBA
Cap & Gowns-TBA
Senior Baccalaureate–Graduating students are invited to participate in this service conducted by the Quincy Ministerial Association in the QHS Theatre on Thursday, May 15, 2025, at 7:00 pm. The program will be approximately one hour in length. Caps and gowns are worn for this event. This ceremony is optional for graduates and tickets for admission are not required. Parents and/or friends of the graduates are invited to attend. There has usually been plenty of room for all guests for the service. Guests will be seated on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who choose to participate should be in the QHS Commons to line up for the processional by 6:30 pm. The band, orchestra, and choir will perform during the Baccalaureate. This is an important evening for seniors and their families as they reflect on the significance of their graduation.
Practice for Graduation–Flinn Stadium, Thursday, May 15, 2025, at 12:45 pm. It is important that we organize the graduation program so that it will take place with precision and formality. Seniors will assemble in the stadium promptly at 1:00 pm for graduation practice. In case of rain, practice will be held Friday, May 16th, in Flinn Stadium at 10:00 am. Students do not wear their caps & gowns for graduation practice.
Graduation Tickets:
Seating: Seating for the graduation ceremony will be in the bleachers at Flinn Stadium. There will not be any overflow or field seating. Special needs seating will be provided along the railing at the top of the first level and in the row directly in front of the railing.
Tickets: All graduates will receive eight (8) tickets for guests to attend the QHS graduation ceremony. Each guest must have a ticket in order to attend the ceremony, Including all children. Graduates will not need a ticket. Tickets for graduation will be distributed to graduates on TBA during lunch hours.
Extra Tickets: Students will not be able to officially request extra tickets for the ceremony. Students/families may, however, make arrangements to give unneeded tickets to other families. Students/families may also give extra tickets back to QHS to distribute tickets to families who may need more. QHS will use the following process:
- Students/families may drop off unneeded graduation tickets in the QHS Main Office.
- Donated graduation tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis in the QHS Main Office starting at 7:30 am on May 13th.
- Only graduates or their guardians will be able to pick up extra tickets. An ID will be required.
- Maximum: Four (4) tickets
Live Stream: For those who are unable to attend, there will be a high-quality live stream of the QHS graduation available on the Quincy Public Schools website: https://www.qps.org/.
Inclement Weather: QHS will make every attempt to conduct the graduation ceremony at Flinn Stadium. This may require moving the graduation ceremony back from 6:30 pm to later Friday evening. No matter what, graduation will occur on Sunday, May 19th. If the weather does not allow an outdoor graduation ceremony, it will be moved indoors to Blue Devil Gym. The decision to move graduation to later Sunday evening and/or go indoors will be made no later than 2:30 pm on Sunday, May 19th.
Graduation Exercises—Sunday, May 19, 2024–4:00 pm** at Flinn Stadium (or in case of rain, Baldwin Gym). Students are required to arrive at Quincy Senior High School by 2:45 pm. Entrance will be gained at the B West and B East doors. After entering QHS, graduates are to report to designated rooms in D Building. After security checks and caps and gowns are in place, students will be transported by buses to The Crossing parking lot to line up for graduation by 3:30 pm. In case of rain, students will stay in their rooms at QHS for lineup, then proceed to Baldwin Gym for graduation. Please Note: Gowns should be carried into the building. Other items (including cell phones) should be left at home or in your vehicle but if you must bring other items in the building, they will be placed in plastic bags provided in each room and marked with the student’s name. Tables will be set up for one-half hour after graduation in the varsity locker room at Flinn Stadium for cell phone and item pickup. Students must show an ID to pick up personal items. In case of rain, items will be transported to the Baldwin School Cafeteria. Items not claimed may be picked up at the QHS Main Office beginning Tuesday, May 20th, from 7 am to 3 pm.
Parking for Graduation—Sunday, May 18, 2025–Parking is available at The Crossing and Flinn Stadium. A shuttle bus service will also be available from QHS to Flinn Stadium beginning at 2:30 pm.
Disabled Guests: Handicapped parking will be available at Flinn Stadium near the front island and entrance. Disabled guests must have a handicapped state-issued license plate or placard in order to park in handicapped parking at Flinn Stadium. Additional guest parking is available at The Crossing’s north parking lot off Maine Street. Golf carts will be there to transport any disabled guests to and from the stadium.
Pictures–GradImages will be photographing all graduates at the graduation ceremony. Ordering photos is optional. Visit their website at www.gradimages.com and click on Pre-Event Email Registration. (Pre-Event Registration is closed 36 hours before the event.) You may receive a discount by registering your information with GradImages before the event! Enter your email and up to 6 emails of loved ones who would like to share in your accomplishments by viewing and ordering your photos. By submitting your information to them early, photo samples will be quickly and conveniently provided to you and all others registered as soon as they are available after the event. After graduation, order online at www.gradimages.com or call 800-261-2576.
End of the Year Senior Event–TBA