The 2024 PROM Dance is scheduled for April 27, 2024. It will be at The Ambiance (5225 Kochs Lane) from 8:00 – 11:00 p.m. Students and guests must arrive no later than 9:30 p.m.
- Bids will be sold in the QHS Commons during lunch periods on April 18th, 19th, and 22nd.
- All Outside Guest Dance Request paperwork must be completed and turned in to the Main Office by April 17th.
- Students and guests are required to have a Photo ID (School ID, Driver’s License, Passport, etc.)
- PROM is a Junior/Senior Dance. Freshman and Sophomores can only attend as the guest of a QHS Junior/Senior.
- Tentative cost of bids is $30 (Subject to change). QHS students bringing an Outside Guest or attending with a QHS Freshman/Sophomore will only purchase a Double Bid for $60. This Double Bid gets both the QHS student and their guest into the dance. DO NOT PURCHASE A SINGLE BID.
- Any issues/questions should be brought to Student Council representatives as early as possible.
- Please make sure to read the QHS Dance Rules.