With approximately 1,400 students in our building, it is not unusual for us to receive several telephone calls on a daily basis for requests to deliver messages. We try to do this as efficiently as possible, but sometimes it can become an overwhelming task. We are asking for help from parents in these areas. First, in order to decrease classroom interruptions, please limit requests for message deliveries to emergencies only. Please give reminders at home regarding being picked up after school or appointment times. When you call the Junior High, it will be more efficient if you contact the appropriate office for your specific needs (see below). If you get the automated attendant when you call the Junior High (217-222-3073), you can immediately press the desired office extensions.
Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. / Phone: 217-222-3073, press 4
Brenda Fleer, Principal
Andy Hoskins, Asst. Principal for School Management
- to leave an emergency message for your child
- if you need information regarding book fees and insurance claims
SCHOOL RELATED DELIVERIES: If it is necessary for you to bring in items such as class projects, forgotten lunch money, musical instruments, or gym clothes, please leave these items with Security. Please remember that any non-student entering the building must be prepared to go through the metal detector and show a photo ID.
Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. / Phone: 217-228-7130 or 217-222-3073, press 1
Rick Owsley, Asst. Principal for Student Services
Deans: Julie Marshall (6th Grade), Brandi Many (7th Grade), and Tyrin Holder (8th Grade)
- for information or inquiries about student absences, discipline, and bus information.
- for information regarding sports.
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND REPORT OF ABSENCE: Regular attendance is an important part of success in school. When your child is absent, please call the Attendance Office before 9:00 a.m. If we have not received a phone call from you by 9:00 a.m., we will contact you.
REQUESTS TO LEAVE BUILDING: Requests to leave the building, while school is in session, should be cleared through the Attendance Office and require a note or phone call from the parent of the student making the request. Students are to use the 14th Street entrance at all times during the school day and must be cleared to leave by Security personnel.
BUS PASSES: Students may not ride the bus home with another student without a written request from the parent of the visiting student and permission from the Attendance Office. A bus pass will be issued if the request is approved.
TELEPHONE USAGE: Students may use the telephone in the Main Office before or after school or if they have a pass from a classroom teacher. Students are not allowed to use their cell phones to call or text during the school day.
Counselors’ Hours: 7:25 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Office is open 7:00 a.m.– 3:30 p.m./ Phone: 217-222-4334 or 217-222-3073, press 2
Caitlin Munguia, Asst. Principal for Teaching & Learning
Counselors: Ashley Wilson (6th grade), Greta Heck (7th grade), Jackie Martin (8th grade)
- for information about grades, homework, and/or to talk to a counselor about academics, schedules, or social emotional concerns.
*Students are encouraged to see their counselor for assistance with personal or school issues. Students must have a pass from their classroom teacher to see their grade-level counselor.
Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. / Phone: 217-228-7132 or 217-222-3073, press 3
- medication to be taken at school
- gym class excuses
- physicals
- immunization records
Nurses: Melissa Logan, Amanda McCauslin
Phone: 217-222-3073 and press 9
ARRIVAL / DISMISSAL TIMES: The school day begins at 7:45 a.m. Students should not plan to be at the Junior High before 7:25 a.m. From 7:25 until 7:45, students who dropped off, walk or ride their bikes should enter the building off of Jersey (SW doors) or off of Maine (NE doors). Bus riders should enter at the 14th St. Main Entrance of QJHS. Due to bus traffic, 14th St. will be blocked off in the morning until 7:45. After 7:45, students must enter through Security at the 14th Street Main Entrance. The Jersey and Maine Street doors are not for entry during the school day. The only exception to this policy will be special program students entering at the Jersey Street doors. Please note that, except for the 14th Street entrance, all doors will be locked from the outside during the school day.
School is dismissed at 2:41 p.m., and most of the buses will have vacated our premises by approximately 2:48 p.m. Bus riders are to report to their bus lines. Unless they are in a conference with a staff member or participating in a supervised activity, students are to leave the building and proceed home as soon as school is dismissed. Students may leave from any exit; however, 14th St. and Jersey will be blocked off to traffic for busing.
Please be aware of School Zones and buses loading and unloading our students. It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus with an extended, red stop-arm. If you are picking up your student from school, please create a plan and stick to it. Students can be picked up in the Board Office parking lot (enter and exit on Jersey by the Athletic Field), along Maine Street, and in other areas you deem safe. The Morrison Parking Lot is off-limits to parent drop-off or pickup. Please be aware that students should always cross streets at the corner, in designated cross walks.
After school, in order to ensure that cars do not pass buses while they are loading, barricades will be in place from approximately 2:30 to 2:50 p.m. on 14th Street from Maine to Jersey, and on Jersey from 14th Street to 12th Street. Parents will need to wait until approximately 2:50 p.m. to use these streets. If you wish to pick up your child immediately after school (2:41 p.m.), please park along Jersey St. in front of the Athletic field (between 14th and 16th Streets) or on the south side of Maine Street and have your child meet you there.